BioArctic company profile:
BioArctic is a Swedish research intensive biopharma company aimed at developing new treatments that address the causes of disorders that affect the Central Nervous System. These types of treatments are commonly referred to as “diseases modifiers”. They affect the underlying diseases pathology and can hopefully stop or significantly delay disease progression. This is a large paradigm shift from today’s symptom-oriented therapies.
BioArctic’s proprietary technology platform, dedicated personnel, collaborations with leading academic research groups and the global pharma industry have made it possible to develop innovative treatments based on antibodies (immunotherapy) for neurodegenerative disorders.
Our main research areas are Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease where there are large unmet medical needs. Today there are no treatments that can stop or slow down the progression of these diseases.
The company was founded in 2003 by Professor Lars Lannfelt and Dr. Pär Gellerfors to develop important breakthrough discoveries made by Professor Lannfelt regarding Alzheimer’s disease. These discoveries – the Swedish mutation and the Arctic mutation – have attracted much attention internationally and explain the central role of amyloid-beta in Alzheimer’s disease, which has led to the development of new treatment strategies.
For more information please visit
PO Box 7059
SE-750 07 Uppsala, Sweden
Telephone: +46 18 67 10 03
Important dates
Abstract submission is open!
Registration opens in
October 2022
Abstract submission closes on
January 15, 2023
Early Bird registration
until February 15, 2023
Conference dates
18-22 June 2023